Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Royal Library

Ok, being the nerd I am, I went to the Royal Library of Turin which was founded in 1831 by King Carlo Alberto of Savoia-Carignano.

They would not let me take picture and because not many people go to a library, there weren't enough people in there for me to sneak and take some, but there are 3 major Leonardo da Vinci pieces housed in this one library....how cool!  (I know, I'm a nerd!)

1-The famous self portrait completed in red chalk...this is picture from the Internet so you know what I'm talking about.

2-Prepatory Sketches of the angel, Study for the Angel's Face, for the painting The Virgin of the Rocks.

3-Codex on the Flight of the Birds (18 sheets of drawings, notes and thoughts about the movement of birds).

So cool!!!!

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